The ConfigMgr WebService has been designed to extend the functionality of Operating System Deployment with Configuration Manager Current Branch. It contains methods for performing operations in Configuration Manager, Active Directory and Microsoft Deployment Toolkit.
General improvements
- Improved a bug in the internal GetMDTComputerName method to only retrieve objects where the OSDComputerName property is not null.
- Fixed a bug for Modern Driver Management when using two or more Apply Operating System steps in a Task Sequence, where one of them reference an OS Image (.wim) with a single index and the others reference an OS Image (.wim) with multiple indexes, and if the step with the WIM file containing multiple indexes are the first in sequence, the GetCMOSImageForTaskSequence method fails to match the ImageIndex with the ImagePackageID.
- Fixed a bug where GetCMPrimaryUserByDeviceResourceId returned both Active and Inactive relationships. Method now only returns the Active relationships.
- Changed internal code from using the LDAP:// protocol pointing to the Global Catalog instead which should better support multiple domain scenarios.
Configuration Manager
- AddCMComputerAssociationForAllUsers
Active Directory
- GetADComputerAttributeValue
- GetADUserAttributeValue
General improvements
- Improved error handling through almost all methods in ConfigMgr WebService is now available. Errors are now logged to the ConfigMgr WebService event log.
- Method GetCMPrimaryUserByDeviceName no longer returns inactive UDA relations.
- Method GetCMApplicationByCategory now excludes retired Applications.
- New methods to support an upcoming release of a solution called ConfigMgr OSD Monitor is included in this release.
Configuration Manager
- AddCMOSDMonitorData
- GetCMCollectionByName
- GetCMDeviceNameByMACAddress
- GetCMDeviceNameByResourceID
- GetCMOSDMonitorDataByUniqueID
- GetCMOSDMonitorDataByComputer
Active Directory
- AddADUserToGroup
Configuration Manager
- GetCMOSImageForTaskSequence
- GetCMDeviceUUIDByName
- GetCMTaskSequence
- RemoveCMDeviceByUUID
- RemoveCMDeviceByName
- RemoveCMDeviceByResourceID
Microsoft Deployment Toolkit
- GetMDTComputerByName
- RemoveMDTComputerBySerialNumber
Active Directory
- GetADComputerDescription
- GetADOrganizationalUnits
- GetADDomain
- GetADGroupMemberByComputer
General improvements
- Inconsistency in parameter positioning has been addressed. The secretKey parameter is now required as the first parameter for all methods.
- GetCMPrimaryUserByDevice has been renamed to GetCMPrimaryUserByDeviceName.
- AddCMComputerToCollection now requires a device collection ID instead of the device collection name.
- GetCMOSImageVersionForTaskSequence and GetCMOSImageArchitectureForTaskSequence now detects the proper information based upon the selected image index in the task sequence. This fixes a bug for when e.g. using a custom image that contains more than a single index or for Windows 10 version 1709 that changes the order of the indexes.
- RemoveADComputerFromGroup now supports groups that contains more than 1500 members.
ConfigMgr WebService
- GetCWVersion
- NewCWEventLogEntry
Configuration Manager
- GetCMApplication
- GetCMCollectionsForDeviceByResourceID
- GetCMCollectionsForDeviceByName
- GetCMCollectionsForDeviceByUUID
- GetCMFirstAvailableNameSequence
- GetCMPrimaryUserByDeviceResourceId
- RemoveCMPrimaryUserByDeviceResourceId
Microsoft Deployment Toolkit
- RemoveMDTComputerByMacAddress
Active Directory
- GetADComputer
- GetADGroupsByUser
- GetADGroupMembers
- GetADGroupMemberByUser
- RemoveADComputer
General improvements:
- Wizard driven installation now stores configuration in registry for improved upgrade experience
- Wizard driven installation now creates the ConfigMgr WebService Activity event log
- Added a method to retrieve the current version of the web service
Configuration Manager
- GetCMApplicationByCategory
- GetCMUser
- GetCMOSImageArchitectureForTaskSequence
Active Directory
- SetADComputerManagedByAttribute
General improvements
- Addded Description property to GetCMPackage
- Updated Connect (SMS Provider) method with better event logging
- Added event logging for start and end of all web methods including client IP address
Configuration Manager
- AddCMComputerAssociationForUser
- GetCMCollectionsForDeviceByUUID
- GetCMOSImageVersionForTaskSequence
- RemoveCMComputerAssociation
- RemoveCMDeviceFromCollection
- RemoveCMLastPXEAdvertisementForDevice
- RemoveCMLastPXEAdvertisementForCollection
Active Directory
- GetADSiteNameByIPAddress
- AddCMComputerToCollection
- GetCMDeviceCollections
- GetCMDeviceNameByUUID
- GetCMDeviceResourceIDByMACAddress
- GetCMDeviceResourceIDByUUID
- GetCMDiscoveredUsers
- GetCMDriverPackageByModel
- GetCMHiddenTaskSequenceDeployments (updated)
- GetCMHiddenTaskSequenceDeploymentsByResourceId
- GetCMPackage
- GetCMUniqueUserName
- ImportCMComputerByMacAddress
- ImportCMComputerByUUID
- UpdateCMCollectionMembership
- AddMDTRoleMember
- AddMDTRoleMemberByAssetTag
- AddMDTRoleMemberByMacAddress
- AddMDTRoleMemberBySerialNumber
- AddMDTRoleMemberByUUID
- GetMDTComputerByAssetTag
- GetMDTComputerByMacAddress
- GetMDTComputerBySerialNumber
- GetMDTComputerByUUID
- GetMDTComputerNameByIdentity
- GetMDTComputerRoleMembership
- GetMDTDetailedComputerRoleMembership
- GetMDTRoles
- RemoveMDTComputerFromRoles
See the documentation embedded in the download package for an updated list of methods this web service provides.
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