In this blog post I will be showing you how to get started with certificate based authentication for Azure Active Directory (AAD) applications. Table of ContentsThe story so farApp RegistrationsClient...
Hi there! I am new to the MSEndpointMgr team and thrilled to be here! In this blog post, we will look into Logic Apps and how we can achieve a governance-free model to how we can utilize this kind of low/no code...
If there is one certainty when it comes to computing, it is that applications will at some point crash or hang. The reasons are widespread, incompatibility between installed frameworks, dynamic link libraries, or...
In this post I will show you how to use Proactive Remediations and Log Analytics, together, to ensure Windows Update Settings are Optimal and Compliant on your devices. This post comes on the back of a session both Aria...
This solution in continuously improving. The change log can be found at Since we released our solution to gather custom inventory from Intune managed devices and send it to log analytics we have received a lot of...
Hardware vendors provide BIOS updates for a reason, it is not just about keeping the BIOS firmware developers busy. Most BIOS updates includes improvements on stability and security, some are more critical than others...
If you are looking for a dashboard that will show a full breakdown of Windows patching across your estate, including errors, safehold issues, delivery optimization figures, and Windows 11 readiness, then look no further...
At first, I hope you all enjoying our solutions about Update Compliance, AppLocker, and Enhanced inventory reporting. When we implement these solutions to our dear customers, we often get this question: Who has access...
Have you ever had the need to delay targeting in Intune for some of your app deployments, PowerShell script , policies or Proactive Remediations? In a normal situation we would like most of this to be targeted...