I’ve recently seen people asking on forums about how to modify the source settings of SCCM packages when migrating software installation files from an old server to a new one. Obviously manually updating packages is an option, but this will take time.. so this is achieved very easily by running the PowerShell code below
<# .NOTES =========================================================================== Created with: SAPIEN Technologies, Inc., PowerShell Studio 2016 v5.2.128 Created on: 31/10/2016 14:13 Created by: Maurice.Daly Organization: Filename: UpdatePkgSource.ps1 =========================================================================== .DESCRIPTION Updates the source location for SCCM packages and update your distribution points Provided as is with no support. Run at your own risk. #> $OldSource = "\\YOUROLDSERVER\PACKAGESOURCE" $NewSource = "\\YOURNEWSERVER\PACKAGESOURCE" foreach ($Package in (Get-CMPackage | Where-Object { $_.PkgSourcePath -like "*$OldSource*" })) { Write-Host "Modifying $($Package.name) with new location $NewSource" $UpdatedSource = $Package.PkgSourcePath -replace $OldSource, $NewSource # Update source location of package Set-CMPackage -id $Package.ID -Path $UpdatedSource # Force update of distribution points Get-CMPackage -id $Package.ID | Update-CMDistriubtionPoint }
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