I’ve been doing a lot of work lately for some global organizations that have servers in multiple different global time zones. In particular configuration manager distribution points. Now if you are familiar with...
When I was in MMSMOA, I met Adam Gross. I have known him already in Twitter, but it’s was really nice to meeting him in person. Adam has wrote many excellent posts about AdminServcie, please read his posts for...
Recently I was at a customer site, where several people where deploying Windows 10 devices and Hybrid enrolling them in Intune MDM via GPO. However they sometimes struggled with keeping track of when the computers where...
In MMSMOA, Dave, Timmy and me, we presented how to make Flow custom connector for Microsoft Intune. I mentioned I have build an “automation solution” for Autopilot and promised I will write blog post about t...
Recently I fall in love with Microsoft Graph. 🙂 I was honored invited to MMSMOA talk about Intune Graph with David Falkus and Timmy Andersson. We talked about what is Microsoft Graph, how to start use it and how to use...
PSD (aka PSD Deployment, aka PowerShell Deployment, aka PowerShell Deployment Extension for MDT) was announced at the 2019 Midwest Management Summit in a session featuring Johan Arwidmark and Mikael Nystrom. This new...
Shortly before MMS this week I was starting to work on some PowerShell where I was constantly creating and adding parameters and I realized that the default parameters in VSCode weren’t quite what I wanted them to...
With the alarming number of views on part one of automating your maintenance windows, I decided I had better get to work right away on part 2! Part two has a specific focus on creating the membership rules and AD groups...
A long time ago I saw a really cool post on Johan Arwidmarks blog from a contributer Mattias Benninge about how to automate the creation of maintenacne windows with an offset from Patch Tuesday and when I saw it I...
I’ve written about this topic previously and also written a small PowerShell based tool to help administrators ease the pain of rerunning a task sequence. Recently, while developing a solution for a Windows 10...