I recently ran a poll (back over Christmas) asking the community about what they would like to see and by popular demand people asked for an update to the PowerBI patching dashboard and man with all of the little bugs I...
In this second post on how to deal with the scenario of converting from BIOS to UEFI, we’ve come to Dell. This series of post consists of the following: Convert from BIOS to UEFI during Windows 10 deployments with...
I’ve previously written a post on this topic, demonstrating a custom method that could be used before ConfigMgr had native support for the BIOS to UEFI conversion. However, that post should now be deemed obsolete...
Recently I’ve published a few posts on Upgrade Analytics, like deploying the client script and how to setup a connection between ConfigMgr Current Branch (version 1610+) and Upgrade Analytics. Following down the...