Today I’ve released the newest version 1.3.0 for my ConfigMgr 2012 R2 Prerequisites Installation tool.
Whats new:
- Re-designed the user interface to feature tabs instead of buttons
- Validation checks are now executed on first launch, some minor validation checks still exists for specific parts of the tool
- Support for Windows Server 2008 R2 has been removed, supported platforms are now Windows Server 2012 and Windows Server 2012 R2
You’ll find the tool and its documentation here:
ConfigMgr 2012 R2 Prerequisites Installation tool 1.2.1
You can download the tool from the TechNet Gallery here:
I had some issues on a site that we connect to over VPN. It would always give the error “The trust relationship between the primary domain and the trusted domain failed.” When running the “Validate-Elevated” function in the script.
The part in the function that was causing this issue was “$UserWP.IsInRole(“S-1-5-32-544″)”.
It was possible to “manually” look at the $UserWP variable and find the value. But not when it was written as above.
So I edited the top part of the “Validate-Elevated” function to look like this:
$UserIdentity = [System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()
$UserWP = [bool](([Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]$UserIdentity).groups|?{$_.value -eq ‘S-1-5-32-544’})
if ($UserWP -eq $true)
Hi Mattias,
Thank you for sharing your findings, it’s highly appreciated!
In case no one else has reported it to you; If there is a space in the folder path that is specified when selecting the “Download prerequisites files” the download will fail with a showing the parameters for setupdl.exe. (If my folder is called “SCCM Prerequisites” it fails, works with “SCCMPrequisites”)
Hi Odd-Magne,
Thank you for pointing that out, you were actually the first!
I believe that I’ve now resolved this issue. It worked out well in my lab environment when I chose a folder containing spaces. The updated script is now available on the TechNet Gallery. I’d appreciate if you could also verify that it works.
Best regards,
Hi Nickolaj,
just tested it now and I can confirm the issue is resolved. Thank you for a great tool.
Thank you for confirming that it has been resolved!
This tool seems like a great ideea but it’s not working for me.
I have a 2012R2 Server fully updated with powershell 4.0.
I’m running the script elevated, I see the progress bar but the features are not installed. A logging function would be useful here.
As far as I can tell the script does not get to the Add-WindowsFeature $CurrentFeature part of the script, by the way I had to add Import-ServerManager line in order for the script to work.
Great improvement. Thanks for your effort to save a lot of time of global admins and engineers.
Thank you for the kind words Louis! 🙂