
Staff Off-Boarding with Office 365

Over time in any environment the day will come around when the inevitable happens and staff leave. This happens due to lots of different reasons but there is often a question as to what to do with user accounts when this happens. This is particularly true in smaller companies with no set process for IT departments off-boarding staff.

In my own environment, I decided to set up a standard script which would work with Active Directory and Office 365 to achieve the following;

  1. Connects to your local DC for active directory functions and Office 365 for mailbox functions
  2. Disable the employee’s user account (verifies the user details before proceeding)
  3. Stamp details on the disabled user account with the IT person who disabled the account for audit purposes
  4. Move the disabled user account to a separate OU
  5. Disable all forms of remote mail access (OWA, ActiveSync, POP, etc)
  6. Set an Out of Office stating that the employee has left the company
  7. Place the mailbox into Legal hold for data retention purposes
  8. Hides the account from the GAL
  9. Emails the former employee’s manager advising that the account has been disabled

The user account is then maintained for a period of 30 days before being deleted and thus returning any assigned Office 365 licenses to the pool etc.

This might help to give you some ideas about setting up your own scripting process for dealing with this issue.


Created with: SAPIEN Technologies, Inc., PowerShell Studio 2016 v5.2.128
Created on: 04/11/2016 21:00
Created by: Maurice Daly
Filename: DisableUserOffice365.ps1
This script provides a standard off-boarding method for staff leaving
the company.

The script does the following;
1. Disables the specified user account
2. Updates the user description with the user who disabled the account
and the time/date when the account was disabled
3. Moves the account to the disabled user account OU (needs to exist)
4. Sets an out of office reply stating that the employee has left the company
5. Disables activesync, pop3, imap etc
6. Places mail account into legal hold for 7 years (requires Office 365 E3)
7. Hides the mail account from the GAL
8. Emails the former employee's manager advising that the account has been disabled

Version 1.0
Initial release

Use : This script is provided as it and I accept no responsibility for
any issues arising from its use.

Twitter : @modaly_it
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Write-Host " **************** PLEASE ENTER ACTIVE DIRECTORY ADMIN CREDENTIALS **************** "
$Credential = Get-Credential -Credential "$env:USERDOMAIN\$env:USERNAME"
$DC = $env:LOGONSERVER.Substring(2)

#Initiate Remote PS Session to local DC
$ADPowerShell = New-PSSession -ComputerName $DC -Authentication Negotiate -Credential $Credential

# Import-Module ActiveDirectory
write-host "Importing Active Directory PowerShell Commandlets"
Invoke-Command -Session $ADPowerShell -scriptblock { import-module ActiveDirectory }
Import-PSSession -Session $ADPowerShell -Module ActiveDirectory -AllowClobber -ErrorAction Stop

# Retrieve AD Details
$ADDetails = Get-ADDomain
$Domain = $ADDetails.DNSRoot

write-host "Importing Office 365 PowerShell Commandlets"
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White -BackgroundColor DarkBlue " **************** PLEASE ENTER OFFICE 365 ADMIN CREDENTIALS **************** "
$Office365Credential = Get-Credential
$Office365PowerShell = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri -Credential $Office365Credential -Authentication Basic -AllowRedirection
Import-PSSession $Office365PowerShell

write-host " **************** Disable Active Directory User Account &amp; Enable Out Of Office **************** "
write-host " "

# Get Variables
$DisabledDate = Get-Date
$LeaveDate = Get-Date -Format "dddd dd MMMM yyyy"
$DisabledBy = Get-ADUser "$env:username" -properties Mail
$DisabledByEmail = $DisabledBy.Mail

# Prompt for AD Username
$Employee = Read-Host "Employee Username"
$EmployeeDetails = Get-ADUser $Employee -properties *
If ($EmployeeDetails.Manager -ne $null)
$Manager = Get-ADUser $EmployeeDetails.Manager -Properties Mail


# Prompt for confirmation
write-host " ******************************** CONFIRM USER DISABLE REQUEST ******************************** "
write-host " "
write-host -ForegroundColor Yellow "Please review the Employee details below to ensure you are disabling the correct user account."
$EmployeeDetails | fl Name, Title, Company, @{ Expression = { $_.mail }; Label = "Email Address" }, @{Expression = { $_.Created }; Label = "Employment Started"}

$choice = " "
while ($choice -notmatch "[y|n]")
$choice = read-host "Do you want to continue? (Y/N)"

# Actions
if ($choice -eq "y")
write-host " ******************************** DISABLING USER ACCOUNT ******************************** "
write-host " "
write-host "Step1. Modifying user description for audit purposes" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Set-ADUser $Employee -Description "Disabled by $($ on $DisabledDate"
write-host "Step2. Disabling $Employee Active Directory Account." -ForegroundColor Yellow
Disable-ADAccount $Employee
write-host "Step3. Moving $Employee to the Disabled User Accounts OU." -ForegroundColor Yellow
write-host " "
Move-ADObject -Identity $EmployeeDetails.DistinguishedName -targetpath "OU=Disabled User Accounts,DC=YOURDOMAIN,DC=SUFFIX"
write-host "Waiting 5 seconds for AD &amp; Exchange OU update to complete"
sleep -Seconds 5
write-host " "
write-host "Refreshing Employee Details for Exchange Modification."
write-host " "
Get-ADUser $Employee -Properties Description | Format-List Name, Enabled, Description
write-host "Step 4. Setting Exchange Out Of Office Auto-Responder." -ForegroundColor Yellow
Set-MailboxAutoReplyConfiguration -Identity $EmployeeDetails.Mail -AutoReplyState enabled -ExternalAudience all -InternalMessage "Please note that I no longer work for $($ as of $LeaveDate." -ExternalMessage "Please note that I no longer work for $($ as of $LeaveDate. Direct all correspondence to [email protected]."
Write-Host "Step 5. Disabling POP,IMAP, OWA and ActiveSync access for $User" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Set-CasMailbox -Identity $EmployeeDetails.mail -OWAEnabled $false -POPEnabled $false -ImapEnabled $false -ActiveSyncEnabled $false
Write-Host "Step 6. Placing mailbox $($ into Ligitgation hold for 7 years" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Set-Mailbox -Identity $EmployeeDetails.mail -LitigationHoldEnabled $true -LitigationHoldDuration 2555
Write-Host "Step 7. Hiding $($ from Global Address lists" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Set-ADUser -identity $Employee -add @{ msExchHideFromAddressLists = "True" }
Set-ADUser -instance $EmployeeDetails -whatif
If ($Manager.Mail -like "*@*")
Write-Host "Step 8. Sending Confirmation E-mail To Employee's Manager." -ForegroundColor Yellow
$msg = new-object Net.Mail.MailMessage
$smtp = new-object Net.Mail.SmtpClient("youroffice365mailserveraddress")
$msg.From = "[email protected]"
$msg.subject = "IT Notification - Employee Leaver Confirmation"
$msg.body = "This email is confirm that $($EmployeeDetails.Name)'s account has been disabled. An out of office notification advising that $($EmployeeDetails.Name) has left the company has also been set. Note that the account will be deleted after 30 days."
write-host " "
write-host "Employee disable request cancelled" -ForegroundColor Yellow

Maurice Daly

Maurice has been working in the IT industry for the past 20 years and currently working in the role of Senior Cloud Architect with CloudWay. With a focus on OS deployment through SCCM/MDT, group policies, active directory, virtualisation and office 365, Maurice has been a Windows Server MCSE since 2008 and was awarded Enterprise Mobility MVP in March 2017. Most recently his focus has been on automation of deployment tasks, creating and sharing PowerShell scripts and other content to help others streamline their deployment processes.


  • very interesting script. While AD commands auto-load for some reason, Exchange does not unless you are running PowerShell from an exchange server. Please describe how you configure your PowerShell to have access to exchange commands

    • WHoops, I think I found it in the: “Import-PSSession $Office365PowerShell” line


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