Back in September back I posted a PowerShell script to allow the automatic querying of Dell client models from your SCCM environment, download the associated drivers and bios updates and import them into SCCM ( The script had the initial task of automating the following steps for your Dell driver imports;
- Query SCCM for a full list of Dell enterprise client products (Optiplex & Latitude)
- Download BIOS updates for each model
- Download Driver CAB for each model
- Extract the Driver CAB
- Import the drivers in the extracted CAB folder
- Create a Category based on the machine model
- Create a Driver Package based on the machine model and filename
- Imports the associated drivers into the newly created Driver Package
- Create a BIOS Update Package based on machine model
- Create a BIOS update deployment PowerShell script for each model using the latest BIOS update and silent switches
Community Feedback
I had a lot of great feedback on the script and I am happy to hear it helped a lot of you automate your driver update process. Since the script was released I have had a lot of requests to provide the same functionality for MDT and also to provide more command line functionality such as downloading drivers only and specifying the number of concurrent jobs as not to stress out your SCCM server during the import phase.
So here is version 4.0 of the script!
It has been significantly modified from the original and as requested it now provides driver imports into MDT (either a standalone environment or an MDT instance on your SCCM server), driver revisions, more error checking and a host of other features.
Script Download Link –
<# .NOTES =========================================================================== Created with: SAPIEN Technologies, Inc., PowerShell Studio 2016 v5.2.128 Created on: 16/10/2016 13:00 Created by: Maurice Daly Filename: DellDownloads.ps1 =========================================================================== .DESCRIPTION This script allows you to automate the process of keeping your Dell driver and BIOS update sources up to date. The script reads the Dell SCCM driver pack site for models you have specified and then downloads the corresponding latest driver packs and BIOS updates. Version 1.0 -Retreive Dell models and download BIOS and Driver Packs Version 2.0 -Added driver CAB file extract, create new driver pack, category creation and import driver functions. Version 2.1 -Added multi-threading Version 2.2 -Added Max Concurrent jobs setting for limiting CPU utilisation Version 2.3 -Replaced Invoke-WebRequest download with BITS enabled downloads for improved performance Version 2.4 -Updated code and separated functions. Added required variables via commandline Version 3.0 -Creates BIOS Packages for each model and writes update powershell file for deployment with SCCM. Version 4.0 -Added support for MDT driver imports -Added operating system selection into the command line -Option to skip BIOS downloads -Validation for OS driver pack download for each model Version 4.1 -Added support for BIOS only downloads for SCCM .EXAMPLE In the below example the script will run the download and import process for both SCCM and MDT. Both sets of BIOS and Driver packages will be downloaded, in this instance for Windows 10 x64 DellDownloads.ps1 -ImportInto Both -DownloadType All -SiteServer YourSiteServer -RepositoryPath \\SERVER\Drivers -PackagePath \\SERVER\DriverPacks -WindowsVersion 10 -Architecture x64 In this example the script will run the download and import process for MDT only. Only the Driver packages will be downloaded, in this instance for Windows 10 x64. Note that you will be prompted for a path to a CSV containing the models you wish to download drivers for. DellDownloads.ps1 -ImportInto MDT -DownloadType Drivers -RepositoryPath \\SERVER\Drivers -WindowsVersion 10 -Architecture x64 -MDTCSVSource ".\MDTModels.csv" Use : This script is provided as it and I accept no responsibility for any issues arising from its use. Twitter : @modaly_it Blog : Credits MDT Import Script Source - SCCM Model Query Script - #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)] param (
[parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = “Import drivers into which product? SCCM, MDT or Both?”, Position = 1)]
[ValidateSet(“SCCM”, “MDT”, “Both”)] [String]$ImportInto,
[parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = “Download just BIOS updates, driver packages or both?”, Position = 2)]
[ValidateSet(“All”, “Drivers”, “BIOS”)] [String]$DownloadType,
[parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = “Site server where the SMS Provider is installed”, Position = 3)]
[ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [ValidateScript({ Test-Connection -ComputerName $_ -Count 1 -Quiet })] [string]$SiteServer,
[parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = “UNC path for downloading and extracting drivers”, Position = 4)]
[ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [ValidateScript({ Test-Path $_ })] [string]$RepositoryPath,
[parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = “UNC path of your driver package repository”, Position = 5)]
[ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [ValidateScript({ Test-Path $_ })] [string]$PackagePath,
[parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = “Source path to the CSV containing your list of models for MDT”, Position = 6)]
[ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [ValidateScript({ Test-Path $_ })] [string]$MDTCSVSource,
[parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = “Please select an operating system”, Position = 7)]
[ValidateSet(“7”, “8”, “8.1”, “10”)] [String]$WindowsVersion,
[parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = “Please select an operating system”, Position = 8)]
[ValidateSet(“x86”, “x64”)] [String]$Architecture,
[parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = “Set the maximum number of current jobs”, Position = 9)]
[ValidateSet(“1”, “2”, “3”, “4”, “5”)] [String]$MaxConcurrentJobs ) Clear-Host # Import SCCM PowerShell Module $ModuleName = (get-item $env:SMS_ADMIN_UI_PATH).parent.FullName + “\ConfigurationManager.psd1” Import-Module $ModuleName # Defaults maximum concurrent jobs to 3 if the value is not set in the commandline if ($MaxConcurrentJobs -eq $null) { $MaxConcurrentJobs = 3 } # Query SCCM Site Code function QuerySiteCode ($SiteServer) { Write-Debug “Determining SiteCode for Site Server: ‘$($SiteServer)'” $SiteCodeObjects = Get-WmiObject -Namespace “root\SMS” -Class SMS_ProviderLocation -ComputerName $SiteServer -ErrorAction Stop foreach ($SiteCodeObject in $SiteCodeObjects) { if ($SiteCodeObject.ProviderForLocalSite -eq $true) { $SiteCode = $SiteCodeObject.SiteCode Write-Debug “SiteCode: $($SiteCode)” } } Return [string]$SiteCode } function QueryModels ($SiteCode) { # ArrayList to store the Dell models in $DellProducts = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList # Enumerate through all models $Models = Get-WmiObject -Namespace “root\SMS\site_$($SiteCode)” -Class SMS_G_System_COMPUTER_SYSTEM | Select-Object -Property Model | Where-Object { ($_.Model -like “*Optiplex*”) -or ($_.Model -like “*Latitude*”) } # Add model to ArrayList if not present if ($Models -ne $null) { foreach ($Model in $Models) { if ($Model.Model -notin $DellProducts) { $DellProducts.Add($Model.Model) | Out-Null } } } Return $DellProducts } function SCCMDownloadAndPackage ($PackagePath, $RepositoryPath, $SiteCode, $DellProducts, $WindowsVersion, $Architecture, $DownloadType, $ImportInto, $MaxConcurrentJobs) { $RunDownloadJob = { Param ($Model, $SiteCode, $PackagePath, $RepositoryPath, $OperatingSystem, $Architecture, $DownloadType, $MaxConcurrentJobs) # =================== DEFINE VARIABLES ===================== # Define Dell Download Sources $DellDownloadList = “” $DellDownloadBase = “” $DellSCCMDriverList = “” $DellSCCMBase = “” # Import SCCM PowerShell Module $ModuleName = (get-item $env:SMS_ADMIN_UI_PATH).parent.FullName + “\ConfigurationManager.psd1” Import-Module $ModuleName # Directory used for driver and BIOS downloads $DriverRepositoryRoot = ($RepositoryPath.Trimend(“\”) + “\Dell\”) Write-Host “Driver package path set to $DriverRepositoryRoot” # Directory used by SCCM for driver package $DriverPackageRoot = ($PackagePath.Trimend(“\”) + “\Dell\”) Write-Host “Driver package path set to $DriverPackageRoot” # ========================================================== # =================== INITIATE DOWNLOADS =================== # ========================================================== if ($DownloadType -ne “Drivers”) { # ================= BIOS Upgrade Download ================== Write-Host “Getting download URL for Dell client model: $Model” $ModelLink = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $DellDownloadList).Links | Where-Object { $_.outerText -eq $Model } $ModelURL = (Split-Path $DellDownloadList -Parent) + “/” + ($ModelLink.href) # Correct slash direction issues $ModelURL = $ModelURL.Replace(“\”, “/”) $BIOSDownload = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $ModelURL -UseBasicParsing).Links | Where-Object { ($_.outerHTML -like “*BIOS*”) -and ($_.outerHTML -like “*WINDOWS*”) } | select -First 1 $BIOSFile = $BIOSDownload.href | Split-Path -Leaf If ($BIOSDownload -ne $null) { # Check for destination directory, create if required and download the BIOS upgrade file if ((Test-Path -Path ($DriverRepositoryRoot + $Model + “\BIOS”)) -eq $true) { if ((Test-Path -Path ($DriverRepositoryRoot + $Model + “\BIOS\” + $BIOSFile)) -eq $false) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green “Downloading $($BIOSFile) BIOS update file” # Invoke-WebRequest ($DellDownloadBase + $BIOSDownload.href) -OutFile ($DriverRepositoryRoot + $Model + “\BIOS\” + $BIOSFile) -UseBasicParsing Start-BitsTransfer ($DellDownloadBase + $BIOSDownload.href) -Destination ($DriverRepositoryRoot + $Model + “\BIOS\” + $BIOSFile) } else { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow “Skipping $BIOSFile… File already downloaded…” } } else { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green “Creating $Model download folder” New-Item -Type dir -Path ($DriverRepositoryRoot + $Model + “\BIOS”) Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green “Downloading $($BIOSFile) BIOS update file” # Invoke-WebRequest ($DellDownloadBase + $BIOSDownload.href) -OutFile ($DriverRepositoryRoot + $Model + “\BIOS\” + $BIOSFile) -UseBasicParsing Start-BitsTransfer ($DellDownloadBase + $BIOSDownload.href) -Destination ($DriverRepositoryRoot + $Model + “\BIOS\” + $BIOSFile) } # ================= Create BIOS Update Package ================== $BIOSUpdatePackage = (“Dell” + ” ” + $Model + ” ” + “BIOS UPDATE”) $BIOSUpdateRoot = ($DriverRepositoryRoot + $Model + “\BIOS\”) Set-Location -Path ($SiteCode + “:”) if ((Get-CMPackage -name $BIOSUpdatePackage) -eq $null) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green “Creating BIOS Package” New-CMPackage -Name “$BIOSUpdatePackage” -Path $BIOSUpdateRoot -Description “Dell $Model BIOS Updates” -Manufacturer “Dell” -Language English } Set-Location -Path $env:SystemDrive $BIOSUpdateScript = ($BIOSUpdateRoot + “BIOSUpdate.ps1”) $CurrentBIOSFile = Get-ChildItem -Path $BIOSUpdateRoot -Filter *.exe -Recurse | Sort-Object $_.LastWriteTime | select -First 1 if ((Test-Path -Path $BIOSUpdateScript) -eq $False) { # Create BIOSUpdate.ps1 Deployment Script New-Item -Path ($BIOSUpdateRoot + “BIOSUpdate.ps1″) -ItemType File $BIOSSwitches = ” -noreboot -nopause ” Add-Content -Path $BIOSUpdateScript (‘$CurrentBIOSFile=’ + ‘”‘ + $($ + ‘”‘) Add-Content -Path $BIOSUpdateScript (‘$BIOSSwitches=’ + ‘”‘ + $($BIOSSwitches) + ‘”‘) Add-Content -Path $BIOSUpdateScript (‘Start-Process $CurrentBIOSFile -ArgumentList $BIOSSwitches’) } else { # Check if older BIOS update exists and update BIOSUpdate deployment script $BIOSFileCount = (Get-ChildItem -Path $BIOSUpdateRoot -Filter *.exe -Recurse).count if ($BIOSFileCount -gt 1) { $OldBIOSFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $BIOSUpdateRoot -Filter *.exe -Recurse | Where-Object { $_.Name -ne $ } foreach ($OldBIOS in $OldBIOSFiles) { (Get-Content -Path $BIOSUpdateScript) -replace $, $ | Set-Content -Path $BIOSUpdateScript } } } # =============== Refresh Distribution Points ================= Set-Location -Path ($SiteCode + “:”) Get-CMPackage -name $BIOSUpdatePackage | Update-CMDistributionPoint Set-Location -Path $env:SystemDrive } } if ($DownloadType -ne “BIOS”) { # =============== SCCM Driver Cab Download ================= Write-Host “Getting SCCM driver pack link for model: $Model” $ModelLink = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $DellSCCMDriverList -UseBasicParsing).Links | Where-Object { ($_.outerHTML -like “*$Model*”) -and ($_.outerHTML -like “*$OperatingSystem*”) } | select -First 1 $ModelURL = $DellSCCMBase + ($ModelLink.href) If ($ModelURL -ne $null) { $ModelURL = $ModelURL.Replace(“\”, “/”) $SCCMDriverDownload = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $ModelURL -UseBasicParsing).Links | Where-Object { $_.href -like “*.cab” } $SCCMDriverCab = $SCCMDriverDownload.href | Split-Path -Leaf $DriverSourceCab = ($DriverRepositoryRoot + $Model + “\Driver Cab\” + $SCCMDriverCab) $DriverPackageDir = ($DriverSourceCab | Split-Path -Leaf) $DriverPackageDir = $DriverPackageDir.Substring(0, $DriverPackageDir.length – 4) $DriverCabDest = $DriverPackageRoot + $DriverPackageDir $DriverRevision = ($DriverPackageDir).Split(“-“)[2] $DriverCategoryName = ((‘”‘ + ‘Dell ‘ + $Model + ‘”‘) + “,” + (“$DriverRevision”)) $DriverExtractDest = ($DriverRepositoryRoot + $Model + “\” + $DriverRevision) # Check for destination directory, create if required and download the driver cab if ((Test-Path -Path ($DriverRepositoryRoot + $Model + “\Driver Cab\” + $SCCMDriverCab)) -eq $false) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green “Creating $Model download folder” New-Item -Type dir -Path ($DriverRepositoryRoot + $Model + “\Driver Cab”) Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green “Downloading $($SCCMDriverCab) driver cab file” Start-BitsTransfer -Source ($SCCMDriverDownload.href) -Destination ($DriverRepositoryRoot + $Model + “\Driver Cab\” + $SCCMDriverCab) } else { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow “Skipping $SCCMDriverCab… Driver pack already downloaded…” $SkipDriverImport = $True } # =============== Create Driver Package + Import Drivers ================= if ((Test-Path -Path ($DriverCabDest)) -eq $false) { New-Item -Type dir -Path $DriverExtractDest New-Item -Type dir -Path $DriverCabDest Set-Location -Path ($SiteCode + “:”) $CMDDriverPackage = (“Dell ” + $Model + ” – ” + $OperatingSystem + ” ” + $Architecture) Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green “Creating driver package” Set-Location -Path $env:SystemDrive Expand “$DriverSourceCab” -F:* “$DriverExtractDest” $DriverINFFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $DriverExtractDest -Recurse -Filter “*.inf” | Where-Object { $_.FullName -like “*$Architecture*” } Set-Location -Path ($SiteCode + “:”) if (Get-CMCategory -CategoryType DriverCategories -name $DriverCategoryName) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow “Category already exists” $DriverCategory = Get-CMCategory -CategoryType DriverCategories -name $DriverCategoryName } else { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green “Creating category” $DriverCategory = New-CMCategory -CategoryType DriverCategories -name $DriverCategoryName } Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green “Creating Driver Package for Dell $Model” New-CMDriverPackage -Name $CMDDriverPackage -path ($DriverPackageRoot + $DriverPackageDir + “\” + $Architecture) Set-CMDriverPackage -Name $CMDDriverPackage -Version $DriverRevision $DriverPackage = Get-CMDriverPackage -Name $CMDDriverPackage foreach ($DriverINF in $DriverINFFiles) { $DriverInfo = Import-CMDriver -UncFileLocation ($DriverINF.FullName) -ImportDuplicateDriverOption AppendCategory -EnableAndAllowInstall $True -AdministrativeCategory $DriverCategory | Select-Object * Add-CMDriverToDriverPackage -DriverID $DriverInfo.CI_ID -DriverPackageName “$($CMDDriverPackage)” -WarningAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } } else { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow “Driver Package Already Exists.. Skipping” } Set-Location -Path $env:SystemDrive } else { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red “Operating system driver package download path not found.. Skipping $Model” } } } # Operating System Version $OperatingSystem = (“Windows ” + $WindowsVersion) $TotalModelCount = $DellProducts.Count $RemainingModels = $TotalModelCount foreach ($Model in $DellProducts) { Write-Progress -activity “Initiate Driver Download & Driver Package Jobs” -status “Progress:” -percentcomplete (($TotalModelCount – $RemainingModels)/$TotalModelCount * 100) $RemainingModels– $Check = $false while ($Check -eq $false) { if ((Get-Job -State ‘Running’).Count -lt $MaxConcurrentJobs) { Start-Job -ScriptBlock $RunDownloadJob -ArgumentList $Model, $SiteCode, $PackagePath, $RepositoryPath, $OperatingSystem, $Architecture, $DownloadType -Name ($Model + ” Download”) $Check = $true } } } Get-Job | Wait-Job | Receive-Job Get-Job | Remove-Job if ($ImportInto -eq “Both”) { # =============== MDT Driver Import ==================== Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green “Starting MDT Driver Import Process” # Import MDT Module Import-Module “C:\Program Files\Microsoft Deployment Toolkit\bin\MicrosoftDeploymentToolkit.psd1” # Detect First MDT PSDrive If (!$PSDriveName) { $PSDriveName = (Get-MDTPersistentDrive)[0].name } # Detect First MDT Deployment Share If (!$DeploymentShare) { $DeploymentShare = (Get-MDTPersistentDrive)[0].path } $MDTDriverPath = $PSDriveName + ‘:\Out-of-Box Drivers’ $MDTSelectionProfilePath = $PSDriveName + ‘:\Selection Profiles’ # Connect to Deployment Share If ((Get-PSDrive -Name $PSDriveName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq $false) { New-PSDrive -Name $PSDriveName -PSProvider MDTProvider -Root $DeploymentShare } $Make = “Dell” $OperatingSystemDir = (“Windows ” + $WindowsVersion + ” ” + $Architecture) # Get full list of available driver cab folders from downloaded content and import into MDT if not already imported Get-ChildItem ($RepositoryPath + “\” + $Make) -Recurse | Where-Object { ($_.PSIsContainer -eq $true) -and ($_.FullName -like “*Driver Cab*”) } | foreach { $Model = (($_.FullName | Split-Path -Parent) | Split-Path -Leaf) $DriverRevision = ((Get-ChildItem -Path $_.FullName -Filter *.Cab).Name).Split(“-“)[2] if ((Test-Path $MDTDriverPath\$OperatingSystemDir) -eq $false) { New-Item -path $MDTDriverPath -enable “True” -Name $OperatingSystemDir -ItemType “folder” -Verbose } if (!(Test-Path $MDTSelectionProfilePath”\Drivers – “$OperatingSystemDir)) { New-Item -path $MDTSelectionProfilePath -enable “True” -Name “Drivers – $OperatingSystemDir” -Definition “<SelectionProfile><Include path=`”Out-of-Box Drivers\$OS`” /></SelectionProfile>” -ReadOnly “False” -Verbose } if ((Test-Path $MDTDriverPath\$OperatingSystemDir\$Make) -eq $false) { New-Item -path $MDTDriverPath\$OperatingSystemDir -enable “True” -Name $Make -ItemType “folder” -Verbose } if ((Test-Path $MDTDriverPath\$OperatingSystemDir\$Make\$Model) -eq $false) { New-Item -path $MDTDriverPath\$OperatingSystemDir\$Make -enable “True” -Name $Model -ItemType “folder” -Verbose } if ((Test-Path $MDTDriverPath\$OperatingSystemDir\$Make\$Model\$DriverRevision) -eq $false) { New-Item -path $MDTDriverPath\$OperatingSystemDir\$Make\$Model -enable “True” -Name $DriverRevision -ItemType “folder” -Verbose Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green “Importing MDT driver pack for $Make $Model – Revision $DriverRevision” Import-MDTDriver -path $MDTDriverPath\$OperatingSystemDir\$Make\$Model\$DriverRevision -Source $_.FullName } else { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow “MDT driver pack already exists.. Skipping..” } } } } function MDTDownloadAndImport ($RepositoryPath, $DellProducts, $WindowsVersion, $Architecture, $MaxConcurrentJobs) { # Import MDT Module Import-Module “C:\Program Files\Microsoft Deployment Toolkit\bin\MicrosoftDeploymentToolkit.psd1” # Detect First MDT PSDrive If (!$PSDriveName) { $PSDriveName = (Get-MDTPersistentDrive)[0].name } # Detect First MDT Deployment Share If (!$DeploymentShare) { $DeploymentShare = (Get-MDTPersistentDrive)[0].path } $MDTDriverPath = $PSDriveName + ‘:\Out-of-Box Drivers’ $MDTSelectionProfilePath = $PSDriveName + ‘:\Selection Profiles’ # Connect to Deployment Share If (!(Get-PSDrive -Name $PSDriveName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { New-PSDrive -Name $PSDriveName -PSProvider MDTProvider -Root $DeploymentShare } $DSDriverPath = $PSDriveName + ‘:\Out-of-Box Drivers’ $DSSelectionProfilePath = $PSDriveName + ‘:\Selection Profiles’ $RunMDTDownloadJob = { Param ($Model, $RepositoryPath, $WindowsVersion, $Architecture, $DownloadType, $PSDriveName, $DeploymentShare, $DSDriverPath, $DSSelectionProfilePath, $MaxConcurrentJobs) # =================== DEFINE VARIABLES ===================== # Define Dell Download Sources $DellDownloadList = “” $DellDownloadBase = “” $DellMDTDriverList = “” $DellMDTBase = “” # Directory used for driver downloads $DriverRepositoryRoot = ($RepositoryPath.Trimend(“\”) + “\Dell\”) Write-Host “Driver package path set to $DriverRepositoryRoot” # Operating System Version $OperatingSystem = (“Windows ” + $WindowsVersion) # =============== MDT Driver Cab Download ================= Write-Host “Getting MDT driver pack link for model: $Model” $ModelLink = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $DellMDTDriverList -UseBasicParsing).Links | Where-Object { ($_.outerHTML -like “*$Model*”) -and ($_.outerHTML -like “*$OperatingSystem*”) } | select -First 1 $ModelURL = $DellMDTBase + ($ModelLink.href) If ($ModelURL -ne $null) { # Correct slash direction issues $ModelURL = $ModelURL.Replace(“\”, “/”) $MDTDriverDownload = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $ModelURL -UseBasicParsing).Links | Where-Object { $_.href -like “*.cab” } $MDTDriverCab = $MDTDriverDownload.href | Split-Path -Leaf # Check for destination directory, create if required and download the driver cab if ((Test-Path -Path ($DriverRepositoryRoot + $Model + “\Driver Cab\” + $MDTDriverCab)) -eq $false) { if ((Test-Path -Path ($DriverRepositoryRoot + $Model + “\Driver Cab\”)) -eq $false) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green “Creating $Model download folder” New-Item -Type dir -Path ($DriverRepositoryRoot + $Model + “\Driver Cab”) } else { # Remove previous driver cab revisions Get-ChildItem -Path ($DriverRepositoryRoot + $Model + “\Driver Cab\”) | Remove-Item } Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green “Downloading $($MDTDriverCab) driver cab file” Start-BitsTransfer -Source ($MDTDriverDownload.href) -Destination ($DriverRepositoryRoot + $Model + “\Driver Cab\” + $MDTDriverCab) } else { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow “Skipping $MDTDriverCab… Driver pack already downloaded…” } } } $TotalModelCount = $DellProducts.Count $RemainingModels = $TotalModelCount foreach ($Model in $DellProducts) { Write-Progress -activity “Initiate MDT Driver Download & Driver Package Jobs” -status “Progress:” -percentcomplete (($TotalModelCount – $RemainingModels)/$TotalModelCount * 100) $RemainingModels– $Check = $false while ($Check -eq $false) { if ((Get-Job -State ‘Running’).Count -lt $MaxConcurrentJobs) { Start-Job -ScriptBlock $RunMDTDownloadJob -ArgumentList $Model, $RepositoryPath, $DellProducts, $WindowsVersion, $Architecture, $PSDriveName, $DeploymentShare -Name ($Model + ” Driver Import”) -Verbose $Check = $true } } } Get-Job | Wait-Job | Receive-Job Get-Job | Remove-Job # =============== MDT Driver Import ==================== $Make = “Dell” $OperatingSystemDir = (“Windows ” + $WindowsVersion + ” ” + $Architecture) # Loop through folders and import Drivers Get-ChildItem ($RepositoryPath + “\” + $Make) -Recurse | Where-Object { ($_.PSIsContainer -eq $true) -and ($_.FullName -like “*Driver Cab*”) } | foreach { $Model = (($_.FullName | Split-Path -Parent) | Split-Path -Leaf) $DriverRevision = ((Get-ChildItem -Path $_.FullName -Filter *.Cab).Name).Split(“-“)[2] if ((Test-Path $MDTDriverPath\$OperatingSystemDir) -eq $false) { New-Item -path $MDTDriverPath -enable “True” -Name $OperatingSystemDir -ItemType “folder” -Verbose } if ((Test-Path $MDTSelectionProfilePath”\Drivers – “$OperatingSystemDir) -eq $false) { New-Item -path $MDTSelectionProfilePath -enable “True” -Name “Drivers – $OperatingSystemDir” -Definition “<SelectionProfile><Include path=`”Out-of-Box Drivers\$OS`” /></SelectionProfile>” -ReadOnly “False” -Verbose } if ((Test-Path $MDTDriverPath\$OperatingSystemDir\$Make) -eq $false) { New-Item -path $MDTDriverPath\$OperatingSystemDir -enable “True” -Name $Make -ItemType “folder” -Verbose } if ((Test-Path $MDTDriverPath\$OperatingSystemDir\$Make\$Model) -eq $false) { New-Item -path $MDTDriverPath\$OperatingSystemDir\$Make -enable “True” -Name $Model -ItemType “folder” -Verbose } if ((Test-Path $MDTDriverPath\$OperatingSystemDir\$Make\$Model\$DriverRevision) -eq $false) { New-Item -path $MDTDriverPath\$OperatingSystemDir\$Make\$Model -enable “True” -Name $DriverRevision -ItemType “folder” -Verbose Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green “Importing MDT driver pack for $Make $Model – Revision $DriverRevision” Import-MDTDriver -path $MDTDriverPath\$OperatingSystemDir\$Make\$Model\$DriverRevision -Source $_.FullName } else { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow “MDT driver pack already exists.. Skipping..” } } } if (($ImportInto -eq “SCCM”) -or ($ImportInto -eq “Both”)) { if (($PackagePath -eq $null) -or ($SiteServer -eq $null)) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor “A required parameter was not included in the commandline. Please check the Package Path and Site Server variables” Break } # Get SCCM Site Code $SiteCode = QuerySiteCode ($SiteServer) Write-Debug $PackagePath Write-Debug $RepositoryPath if ($SiteCode -ne $null) { # Query Dell Products in SCCM using QueryModels function $DellProducts = QueryModels ($SiteCode) # Output the members of the ArrayList if ($DellProducts.Count -ge 1) { foreach ($ModelItem in $DellProducts) { $PSObject = [PSCustomObject]@{ “Dell Models Found” = $ModelItem } Write-Output $PSObject Write-Debug $PSObject } } # Start download, extract, import and package process Write-Host ” ” Write-Host “=================================================================================================” Write-Host “== ” Write-Host “== Dell SCCM/MDT Driver Download & Import Script – By Maurice Daly ” Write-Host “== ” Write-Host “== Running download, extract and import processes with the following variables; ” Write-Host “== 1.Import Drivers into: $($ImportInto) ” Write-Host “== 2.Download BIOS or Drivers: $($DownloadType) ” Write-Host “== 3.SCCM Site Server: $($SiteServer) ” Write-Host “== 4.SCCM Site Code: $($SiteCode) ” Write-Host “== 5.Driver Respository: $($RepositoryPath) ” Write-Host “== 6.Package Destination: $($PackagePath) ” Write-Host “== 7.Operating System: Windows $($WindowsVersion) – $($Architecture) ” Write-Host “== ” Write-Host “=================================================================================================” Write-Host ” ” Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green “Starting download, extract, import and driver package build process..” SCCMDownloadAndPackage ($PackagePath) ($RepositoryPath) ($SiteCode) ($DellProducts) ($WindowsVersion) ($Architecture) ($DownloadType) ($ImportInto) ($MaxConcurrentJobs) } else { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red “SCCM Site Code could not be found” } } else { if ((Test-Path -Path $ModelCSVSource) -eq $true) { $DellProducts = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList $Models = Import-Csv -Path $ModelCSVSource # Add model to ArrayList if not present if ($Models -ne $null) { foreach ($Model in $Models.Model) { if ($Model -notin $DellProducts) { $DellProducts.Add($Model) | Out-Null } } } } else { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red “Unable to find the file specified.” Break } # Start download, extract, import and package process Write-Host ” ” Write-Host “=================================================================================================” Write-Host “== ” Write-Host “== Dell SCCM/MDT Driver Download & Import Script – By Maurice Daly ” Write-Host “== ” Write-Host “== Running MDT only download, extract and import processes with the following variables; ” Write-Host “== 1.Model Source File: $($ModelCSVSource) ” Write-Host “== 1.Driver Respository: $($RepositoryPath) ” Write-Host “== 2.Operating System: Windows $($WindowsVersion) – $($Architecture) ” Write-Host “== ” Write-Host “=================================================================================================” Write-Host ” ” Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green “Starting download, extract, import and driver package build process..” MDTDownloadAndImport ($RepositoryPath) ($DellProducts) ($WindowsVersion) ($Architecture) ($MaxConcurrentJobs) }
Lets step through the options available to you when running the script;
SCCM only or both SCCM and MDT on the same server
Run the script using the following opening syntax: .\DellDownloads.ps1 -ImportInto SCCM – for SCCM only or .\DellDownloads.ps1 -ImportInto Both – for both SCCM and MDT
When running the script for this type of deployment, the following switches are required;
–DownloadType :: Selects the type of download, the options available are All, Drivers or BIOS
–SiteServer :: The name of your SCCM site server than you are running the script on
–RepositoryPath :: The location for your bios and driver downloads and cabinet extracts
–PackagePath :: The location for your SCCM driver packages
–WindowsVersion :: Options include, 7, 8, 8.1 and 10
–Architecture :: Options include x86 or x64
–MaxConcurrentJobs :: Options for 1-5 concurrent jobs
Working example (SCCM only with BIOS and Driver downloads):
.\DellDownload -ImportInto SCCM -DownloadType ALL -SiteServer SCCM01 -RepositoryPath "\\server\drivers" -PackagePath "\\server\driverpacks" -WindowsVersion 10 -Architecture x64 -MaxConcurrentJobs 3
Working example (SCCM and MDT with Driver downloads and 3 concurrent jobs):
.\DellDownload -ImportInto Both -DownloadType Drivers -SiteServer SCCM01 -RepositoryPath "\\server\drivers" -PackagePath "\\server\driverpacks" -WindowsVersion 10 -Architecture x64 -MaxConcurrentJobs 3
MDT only – New Feature
The MDT only option differs from the SCCM functions in the fact the script does not query SCCM for a list of Dell enterprise client systems. In this instance a CSV is required with an initial column heading labelled “Model”, example;
Optiplex 7040
Optiplex 7010
Latitude E5470
When running the script for this type of deployment, the following switches are required;
–DownloadType :: Selects the type of download, the options available are All or Drivers
–RepositoryPath :: The location for your bios and driver downloads and cabinet extracts
–WindowsVersion :: Options include, 7, 8, 8.1 and 10
–Architecture :: Options include x86 or x64
–MaxConcurrentJobs :: Options for 1-5 concurrent job (defaults to 3 if not entered)
-MDTCSVSource :: Location of Models CSV file
Working example of MDT only command;
.\DellDownload -ImportInto MDT -DownloadType Drivers -RepositoryPath "\\server\drivers" -WindowsVersion 10 -Architecture x64 -MaxConcurrentJobs 3 -MDTCSVSource ".\Models.csv"
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