For a little more than one year ago, I posted a script that would automate the process of removing built-in applications when creating a Windows 10 reference image. Since then, the script has been amended a couple of times, and it’s now time for another iteration.
What’s new
This updated version of the script includes the following changes:
- Added new white list variables for easier management and visibility of apps being excluded from the removal process
- Added capability to remove Features on Demand V2 applications, like Quick Assist and Contact Support applications
- Fixed a bug when building the appx package list not to be fully populated, resulting in all unwanted appx packages were not removed
- Added a function to write the output of the script to a log file called RemovedApps.log located in C:\Windows\Temp.
Get the updated script
You’ll find the updated script in the original post, available below:
Can we remove the appx from the install media/image?
Also do you have any ESD -> WIM & WIN -> ESD converter, or is there a way to modify the esd image without converting?
Any chance you can update this script for 1709 and remove Mixed Reality portal and People app ? 🙂
I used your script as instructed in MDT and my Deployment Summary has a list of Object reference not set to an instance of an object. When I look at the log I see no errors. Any thoughts?