
Intune BIOS Update Compliance Reporting

Hardware vendors provide BIOS updates for a reason, it is not just about keeping the BIOS firmware developers busy. Most BIOS updates includes improvements on stability and security, some are more critical than others. The vendors are continuously working on bringing their customers a more stable and secure computer. Most of us also knows that many computers will be needing a firmware update to fully support Windows 11.

There are several approaches you can take to stay on top of this and get this insights into what the status is in your environment. Most vendors have enterprise solutions that allows you to both manage and report on your BIOS versions. The issue with this could be that you have more than 1 vendor in your environment, the solution from the vendor might require a license or that you simply don’t want to be using their solution.

The solution

After request from several customers we work with we start digging into how we can create a BIOS Update compliance report supporting multiple vendors and at the same time keeping it as native as possible for our customers using Microsoft Intune. The solution is based on Azure Monitor (Log Analytics) and Azure Automation combined with the latest version of our Custom Inventory scripts using Proactive Remediations.

  1. Intune runs Proactive Remedations scripts on the clients for Custom Inventory including BIOS information
  2. Client reports this inventory to the Log Analytics Workspace using the DataCollector API
  3. The Azure Automation Runbook queries the Log Analytics workspace for models in your environment
  4. The Azure Automation Runbook uses this information to query the vendor about what is the latest BIOS
  5. Finally the runbook writes this to the Log Analytics Workspace using the DataCollector API

At this stage we will have the current BIOS version of all our clients. We also have the latest BIOS version from the vendors of these clients. Lets build a workbook to get the insight we are after.

Azure Monitor Workbook

With Azure Monitor Workbooks we can combine data from the two required tables with a simple join. This gives us the possibility comparing versions between inventory and OEM data. Example:

| summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by SKU_s
| join DeviceInventory_CL on $left.SKU_s == $right.SystemSKU_s
| summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by ManagedDeviceID_g
| extend ComputerOEMUpdateStatus = iff((parse_version(BiosVersion_s) < parse_version(OEMVersion_s)), "Update available from OEM", "OK")
| project ComputerName_s, OEM_s, OEMDate_s, BiosDate_s, OEMVersion_s, BiosVersion_s, ComputerOEMUpdateStatus

This will give us the following result:

This solution has support for HP, Dell and Lenovo today. We are open for adding more vendors as long as the vendors have a open API or XML data containing the necessary information. You can also see that we have some computers that is behind on their BIOS versions here. Moving this into a Azure Monitor Workbook makes it easier to visualize the impact in your environment.

This is a sample report from a environment with only a few devices active. To keep this up to date the daily run of the Proactive Remediation Inventory script is important.


Make sure you have the latest version of our Custom Inventory Script running in your environment before you start implementing the rest. This is to make sure that you are collecting the OEM Baseboard SKU value in the same format as the different OEMs release their BIOS information.

Azure Automation Account setup

As the runbook we are using in Azure Automation is querying Log Analytics to ask for what models we have in our environment, we are giving the automation account permissions to read our log workspace. To do that we will be using a system assigned managed identity.

Configuring the managed identity

Assuming you either have an Azure Automation account or know how to make one, we are jumping straight to configure the managed identity. Go to Account Settings -> Identity

While still on System assigned, flip the selection to On and click on Save. Now you will be notified that the Automation account will be registered in Azure Active Directory. Once it is registered, it can be granted permission to access resources protected by Azure AD. Answer Yes to continue.

In this picture, you will see your Object (principal) ID. Now that we have this in place, move over to the log workspace where you have your Intune Custom Inventory data. Go to Access control (IAM) -> Add ->add role assignment. Select the Role Log Analytics Reader -> Click Next

On the next page, tick off on Managed Identity -> Select Members -> Pick your Subscription – Choose Automation Account as type and pick the Automation account to use for the data collection.

Back to the previous blade, remember to click on Review + assign to complete the process. Now the system assigned managed identity is configured and given the necessary permissions.

The runbook

The runbook has, as previously mentioned, 3 tasks to perform. Query our inventory in log analytics, query the OEMs for BIOS information and write this back to a new table in Log Analytics. There are some required setup before you are can publish the runbook.

  • Automation Variable WorkspaceID: The workspace ID of your Log Analytics workspace
  • Automation Variable WSSharedKey: The shared access key to write to Log Analytics using Rest API
  • Automation Variable LASubscriptionID: Azure Subscription ID for your workspace
  • Module: Az.Accounts
  • Module: Az.OperationalInsights
  • Module: 7Zip4Powershell

The Az Modules can now easily be added or updated directly from the portal, or for new Automation Accounts they should be there. Recommended runtime version is PowerShell 7.1 so make sure you have the modules added for 7.1.

Now go here on Github: Reporting/Invoke-BIOSDataCollectionToLA.ps1 at main · MSEndpointMgr/Reporting ( and download the script for import. Save it locally and click on Import Runbook.

Publish the runbook and set a schedule to run as often as you wish. To cater for new models in inventory its recommended to run it once a day.

The runbook output should look like this if everything is correct, and you have supported hardware in your inventory.


The last step is to import the workbook from here: Reporting/BIOSUpdateComplianceOEM.json at main · MSEndpointMgr/Reporting ( (There is good description on how to do this at this blogpost: Windows Update Compliance Workbook Community Edition)

There is also another workbook coming soon that will also include BIOS Compliance status with data from our Intune BIOS Control solution: Read more here: Introducing Intune BIOS Control
That workbook will include information about what BIOS versions you are currently deploying and update status compared both with OEM data and our control XML.

Jan Ketil Skanke

Jan Ketil is an Enterprise Mobility MVP since 2016 and are working as a COO and Principal Cloud Architect at CloudWay in Norway. He has been in the industry for more than 20 years working for both Microsoft Partners and Microsoft. He loves to speak about anything around Enterprise Mobility and Secure Productivity. He is also the lead for the community conference Experts Live Norway. Jan Ketil has presented at large industry conferences like Microsoft Ignite, Microsoft Ignite The Tour, Microsoft Inspire, Experts Live Europe, Techmentor HQ (3rd best session 2019) and NIC Conference in Oslo.

Maurice Daly

Maurice has been working in the IT industry for the past 20 years and currently working in the role of Senior Cloud Architect with CloudWay. With a focus on OS deployment through SCCM/MDT, group policies, active directory, virtualisation and office 365, Maurice has been a Windows Server MCSE since 2008 and was awarded Enterprise Mobility MVP in March 2017. Most recently his focus has been on automation of deployment tasks, creating and sharing PowerShell scripts and other content to help others streamline their deployment processes.



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