If you have already total control of your licenses in your Microsoft tenant, this article is not for you. But what we see with a lot of customers though, is that they do not have the insight and control they need to be...
After the release of App-based authentication for MS Intune Graph access, I decided to have a look at setup some Intune monitoring with Azure Monitor and integrating this with Microsoft Teams for alerting. What I am...
Another blog post on the subject of Hybrid Azure AD joined devices that have been provisioned using Windows Autopilot. As you may have figured by now, this scenario even though it’s not in preview any longer, it...
With the release of WIM Witch v1.3.0, she now has new capabilities that were requested by the community. While there have been plenty of functional updates to WIM Witch since its release, this version brings enough...
Came back from New Orleans MMS Jazz conference two week ago, and I think I still have jet lag. But my mind is full of new ideas and knowledge, MMS Jazz is such a great event! In one of our session, we talked about...
I recently wrote a blog post at www.jordantheitguy.com on how to user PowerShell to create add a query rule to a collection for machines in an active directory security group. While a lot of things in Configuration...
For a modern workplace these days, Microsoft is enabling provisioning of devices without the need of managing the image that resides on the devices. With this new way of managing devices from a provisioning perspective...
WIM Witch is a utility that can be used to update and modify WIM files for Windows deployment scenarios. It allows the WIM to be patched, drivers to be applied, in-box applications to be removed, and .Net 3.5 binaries...
Ever wondered how you can kick off a manual or automatic sync of your Intune policies from a PowerShell script? Not long ago I ran into the need to have policies applied to new devices, a lot quicker than what a normal...
I’ve been doing a lot of work lately for some global organizations that have servers in multiple different global time zones. In particular configuration manager distribution points. Now if you are familiar with...